Category Archives: Wastewater

Nylon Cleans up Wastewater

Few things have the chemical toxic load of wastewater. It isn't just the areas the waste is "supposed" to go that are affected by the chemical interactions - it's also all those places where the waste seeps, creeps and splashes. It's mandatory to ensure all aspects of a facility can handle heavy duty flow as…
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Plastics in Wastewater Industry

This week is the 20th anniversary of National Groundwater Awareness Week (March 10-16, 2019). To keep groundwater contamination free, it’s crucial that we have effective and safe wastewater treatment processes and equipment so contaminated water never enters natural or man-made water sources. Contaminated wastewater contains toxic chemicals that if leaked into the environment in any…
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Sealing with Nylon

Valves and seals made of nylon consistently outperform their rubber and metal counterparts. They last longer, can be pre-coloured (no painting) and can take the same amount of pressure (and then some) of components made of other materials. Due to its unique chemical composition, nylon is self-lubricating and won't dry out like rubber seals. Plus,…
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