To celebrate National Inventors Month, we thought we’d take a look at the inventors who shaped the future with Nylon plastics. Wallace Carothers worked at DuPont, a company who was known for producing gunpowder, cellulose-based paints, and synthetic ammonia and other chemicals. His teams' experiments with cellulose-based fibres led to them producing fiber rayon, an…
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Factors that Influence your Choice of Cast Nylon in your Project
With many types of Nylatech brand Cast Nylon 6/12, we have a material that will work for virtually any project. All of Nylatech's Nylon materials have excellent abrasion and wear resistance, high tensile and compressive strength, a low coefficient of friction, are lightweight, and are easily machinable. But some are better suited for certain applications…
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3 Benefits of using Cast Nylon plastics
Innovation has created many different types of plastics, each with its own unique set of properties and features. Cast Nylon, in particular, is one of the most widely used engineering thermoplastics in use today. It can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your project, but to help you narrow down the options, here…
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When you need an engineering cast nylon material for your next part that has high tensile strength and high compressive properties, Nylatech Nythane may be your material of choice. It is a chemically formulated copolymer designed for extreme impact and wear resistance. Nylatech Nythane is a cast nylon plastic of choice for many of the…
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