Sawmills, like many industries, are increasing production speeds to accommodate the growing demand for their products. However, this increase in output is causing increased wear and tear on equipment. Without regular maintenance on your sawmill equipment, you’re increasing the risk of accidents, injury, and the longevity of your equipment parts.
Here are our top 3 sawmill equipment maintenance tips:
1. Create a maintenance schedule: As you increase production levels, include extra maintenance times in your schedule. Create a workflow where equipment is visually inspected before and after each shift to quickly identify broken or worn parts before they cause an unexpected equipment breakdown or worker injury.
Develop a regular weekly or monthly maintenance checklist to keep your sawmill equipment in tip-top shape, avoid unnecessary downtime due to broken-down equipment, and increase safety for all on-site workers.
2. Ensure parts are lubricated: Sawmills have many moving parts. The more the equipment is used, the faster any external lubrication will wear off and wear down your equipment parts. Ensure adequate lubrication and apply extra when necessary.
With Nylatech PVM for your sawmill equipment, lubrication is less of a concern. This premium cast nylon plastic material requires about 75% less lubrication as it has excellent self-lubricating properties.
3. Swap out worn or damaged parts: Create a schedule to check all parts for wear and damage. This will help you identify and replace worn parts before they break and damage the equipment or become a safety hazard for your workers.
Here are some examples of sawmill parts that are ideal candidates for being made from cast nylon:
- Chain bed for sharp chain
- Wear strips
- Bearing blocks
- Hanger bearings
- Kiln cart bushings
- Sheaves and pulleys
- Wear plate
Are you ready to swap out traditional metal parts in your sawmill equipment with more reliable cast nylon components? Talk to us today about creating your parts in Cast Nylon.